Favorite Movie Quote: America's Sweethearts (2001)

Lee: You look fabulous.
Kiki: Thank you.
Lee: Look at you. What did you do? Is it your hair? What is it?
Kiki: It's my hair, and, err... I had a little sun.
Gwen: [bored] She lost sixty pounds.
Kiki: And... And... And I lost a little weight.
Lee: I see that. Yeah. You look terrific.
Kiki: Thank you.
Lee: Sixty pounds?
Kiki: Yeah.
Lee: That's a Backstreet Boy!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Weighing In - Week Nine

I'll take what I can get. In last week's weigh in I had incredible results. Results of hard work, regular exercise. This week's one pound loss is purely the result of adhering to my diet and the residual effects of a metabolism in overdrive from my previous month's workouts. As I said, I'll take what I can get.
Last Sunday, after writing my weekly blog, I decided to spend some time working in the garden. The weather was beautiful and I had loads of energy. My tiny patio garden was lost beneath six months of winter debris and neglect. After an hour of vigorous weeding, raking, and scrubbing of the patio furniture, I was ready to start hauling away the bags of clippings. In my characteristically ungraceful nature, I managed to tear my groin muscle trying to step over the numerous bags of garden waste on the ground. From previous experience with muscle pulls, I knew instantly this wasn't a normal strain. This was serious. Twelve hours of ice and a regular regimen of ibuprofen enabled me to hobble into work the next day but exercising was out of the question. In fact I haven't been able to exercise at all this past week. Not one single time.
I've literally been going a little bit insane from the lack of sweat. It's a sickness, I know. But after contemplating pushing myself and exercising through the pain, my better judgment (OK, the better judgment of my friends and family, who regularly checked to make sure I wasn't trying to over do it) took over and I decided against it. My poor elliptical, sitting alone in the corner, gather dust from disused. It's truly depressing. But now, one week later my leg is feeling better. I am no longer limping around. I'm ready to get back in the saddle and start burning off those calories. I look forward to this next week. I really can't wait to get back to work and start shedding those pounds again. More than one pound per week.
Thank you to everyone who scolded me this week when I complained about being so sedentary. Thank you to those who encouraged me to wait and rest. You helped keep me smart and from going completely insane. Check back in next Sunday and let's see if I've reached the 20-pounds-lost milestone. Until then, thanks!

Weekly weight loss: One pound
Overall weight loss: 19 pounds

1 comment:

  1. You have to be carefull. You do what you can.... remember it is not a race.. I been looking to lose weight and the first step is looking at my eating habits. Not to bad of habits but.... my biggest one i want to change is eating in front of the tV... I have a bad habit of that.... or eating on the go...ie fast food or nothing for 5 hours then eating a lot..... or really quickly..
    My goal is to sit at the table and enjoy the food.....
