Holy Crow! 5.6 pounds!?! Wait a moment. Let's try that again... I stepped off the scale, telling myself it was a fluke, a digital mistake. After a moment, I picked the scale up, replaced it on the floor, and waited for it to reset itself. I closed my eyes before stepping back on and counted to 5 before opening them again...
I immediately ran to my closet and grabbed some size 12 pants that were unbearably tight in the waist on me just two weeks ago. No problem. I'm sitting in the now... loving every minute of it!
What is truly amazing to me is that this week I only worked out once per day (needed to let my leg slowly ease back into exercising as not to tear the muscle again) and I had a bit of a hiccup on Wednesday with brownies and cookies in class. Obviously the garden-clipping-tasting salads I eat for lunch each day and the bottles and bottles of V-8 that everyone makes fun of me for drinking, are paying off. Don't get me wrong, I eat other things too. Like the grilled chicken, enchiladas, stir-fry steak strips for dinner and tons of other veggies but instead of hitting up McDonald's for lunch or indulging with the rest of my class at Mountain Mike's Pizza on Friday, I've been really trying to make better food choices. I think the scale says it all this week.
On a bit of a side note... I have a few friends who are also trying to lose weight and who've been discouraged by stepping on their own scales. The diet and exercise changes they have made aren't showing the results they'd like number-wise. To them I say this- Give it time. It's taken me ten weeks to get results like this. My first few weeks were small numbers, sometimes only a pound, maybe less. The longer you stick with it, the better it gets. Don't get down on yourself! As your body adjusts, some weeks will have the snowball effect, each week better than the last while others will be the dreaded plateau where one pound is painfully hard to lose. Although we're all working our butts off for the finish-line, our goal weight, it's each little step of the race that counts. One foot in front of the other, we've got to keep trudging along. We will get there sooner or later. I have faith in us all! We can do it! Especially if we cheer each other on when the journey gets hard and we get discouraged. So many people have helped me get where I am so far, and without them, I don't know if I could have stuck with this and done as well as I have. Thanks to everyone for the great encouragement! I look forward to seeing what the scale says next Sunday. Until then, have a wonderful week!
Weekly weight-loss: 5.6 pounds
Total weigh-loss: 24.6 pounds