Early last week I developed a toothache which was uncomfortable but bearable most of the time. Then on Wednesday I did the unthinkable and ate this delightfully decadent cake with Parisian creme filling. It was to die for... and then the toothache took on a life of it's own and I was wishing I really had died! I got no sleep on Wednesday night so by Thursday afternoon, I was miserable. I ended up coming home at lunch and taking everything I could find to kill the pain and then a 3 and a half hour nap. It worked. Since then I've been, for the most part, pain free. Needless to say, I'm trying my damnedest to avoid the sweets, and a repeat of last week. I know, I know, what was I thinking eating cake when I'm supposed to be losing weight! Well, it was a graduation party and I was doing my part of the clean up... cleaning up the cake, that is! Oh well, lesson learned and I'm figuring this is Mother Nature's way of saying, stay on track with the diet, little girl!
Well, it's about 6:20 AM and the sun is up, so it's time for this happy little clam to get ready for the day. I've promised another day of "fun in the sun at the pool" for the kids. I really think that should count as exercise or at least a cardio-workout. I swear I burn a bazillion calories trying to keep an eye on all three of them at once. It seems like my heart pounds a mile a minute as I watch my four year old jump into the pool too close to the wall, the eight year old snorkeling around clueless of the people jumping directly above him and then myself having to dodge water balloons and other projectiles the eleven year old is aiming at me. It really is a three ring circus and I'm just along for the ride.
As usual, thanks to all my super-duper fans and friends. You guys are an amazing support system and I am blessed to have you. I hope everyone has a wonderful week. See you next Sunday and hopefully with some real results.
Total Weekly Weight Loss: 0.4 lbs
Overall Total Weight Loss: 36.8 lbs