Favorite Movie Quote: America's Sweethearts (2001)

Lee: You look fabulous.
Kiki: Thank you.
Lee: Look at you. What did you do? Is it your hair? What is it?
Kiki: It's my hair, and, err... I had a little sun.
Gwen: [bored] She lost sixty pounds.
Kiki: And... And... And I lost a little weight.
Lee: I see that. Yeah. You look terrific.
Kiki: Thank you.
Lee: Sixty pounds?
Kiki: Yeah.
Lee: That's a Backstreet Boy!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A Totally Non-Weightloss Blog: Letter to My Son on His 11th Birthday

I normally don't blog on Tuesdays. Actually, I only blog on Sundays but today is special. Today is my son's 11th birthday. So, in honor of him, I'm writing a completely non-weightloss-related blog. You may not be interested in reading this and I'm OK with that. I promise to write again, on Sunday, all about my journey down the road to a thinner and healthier me but in the meantime, here are some of my other equally as important thoughts.

"Dear Skyler..."

Notice I'm writing this as a letter. If you're a parent, you know that sometimes it's difficult to express your true feelings and thoughts to your child. It may be because they are too young to fully understand them or maybe it's due to the fact that there are a million other things on your mind at the very same moment, like the chocolate pudding stains on their shirt or gobs of unknown substances stuck in their hair. Sometimes it's just because when you do begin speaking from the heart they stare at you like you've grown two heads and then tune you out. The latter happens more often as they get older. About the time they learn to roll their eyes and sigh heavily. About the time they turn 11.

My answer to this dilemma- alternate forms of communication. I've learned over the years, when I want to organize my thoughts before serving them to others to be consumed, it's best prepared on paper. Or in this case, on the computer screen. It is here that I am able to pour out a jumbled mess of bits and pieces, rearrange them like magnets on a refrigerator door, eloquently change the hue and tone of my masterpiece and then present it like a gift to it's intended recipient. See below...

"Dear Skyler,

First off, let me say, thanks for having a birthday! I love an excuse to eat Snickerdoodles for breakfast and blow off my diet for the day. Oops, I forgot, no weight-loss talk. Sorry, I couldn't help myself. But seriously, I love sharing these carefree and out of the 'norm' moments with you. I hope when you're older and have kids of your own, you'll fondly remember these special traditions with your wacky and zany mom, and of course, carry them on.

Now for the nitty-gritty...

Eleven. Wow! You're eleven! You're probably thinking, 'What's the big deal with eleven?' I know, I know- Ten was a big deal because it meant double digits, and thirteen will be a big deal when you're officially a teenager but eleven... Well, eleven is special in so many ways! I could go into all the esoteric numerology mumbo-jumbo about the number eleven, but I won't. Just know that the significance of the number eleven is huge as a Master Number and of course, you'll only be eleven, once.

God, eleven years... It's crazy how I can remember almost every single moment of the day you were born. The smell of the hospital, the stupid soap operas on the TV which couldn't compare to the excitement I was feeling about becoming a new mom. The fire engine sounds your father made as we were wheeled in the O.R. and of course the first time I heard you cry.

As I fast forward through the years, I smile... as I remember your first ride on a merry-go-round in Tilden. The year you invited your entire kindergarten class to your birthday party in the park. The year you spent Easter Sunday morning in the John Muir pediatric ward. I remember when you first learned how to read and how excited you were when you came home from your very first guitar lesson. I can honestly say that every single day with you has been a wonder. You truly amaze me on so many levels. If I don't say it enough, let me remind you... I absolutely, positively, without a doubt love everything about you.

I love that you can tell me exactly how many miles Venus is from the planet Earth. I love that you know the longest word in the English language is a chemical compound I couldn't even begin to pronounce. I love that you have beaten nearly every video game you've every played. I love that you love reading Discover magazine and that you want to stay up late to watch Isaac Asimov specials on TV. I love that I can brag, "My fifth grader is smarter than your college grad" and mean it. I love that you always have time to help your little brother with his homework and your baby sister with putting her shoes on the correct feet. I love that you know who the Beatles are and almost every word to every one of their songs. I love that you're one of the few people in the family that can hold an intelligent conversation with your "Mensa Member" grandfather and that you created, what we in the family now call, the "Skyler Burger".... Bun, meat, lettuce, tomato, three pickles, ketchup and a bun. In that order, thank you very much! Oh, Skyler, you are truly an awesome kid!

And although we don't always see eye-to-eye, don't you worry, in another 6 months I'm sure we will... literally if not metaphorically. By the way, even when you're a foot taller than me, you'll still have to go to bed when I say.

I know that you've had some rough patches over the years, and that's OK, but I want you to know that every little bump in the road has been worth it and they have made the trip, thus far, that much more special (is that even proper English? I'm sure you'll correct me if I'm wrong.) Yes, I know, I'm using that word again. Special. All through your life, people will try to use that term as a negative label. Please remember that you are special but special in all the right ways. There is nothing wrong with being different. What it comes down to is this: You are good. You are kind. You are brilliant, scratch that, you're darn near a genius, so of course you're special. Just tell them, 'Thank you for the compliment!' and keep in mind that the people who don't understand, don't matter, and the people who do, are the ones that truly love you.

So, ultimately what I wanted to say was, I wish you a Happy Happy Birthday! As you finish up the fifth grade next week and get ready to hit Junior High this fall, remember, I'm your biggest fan! Continue to wow the rest of the world with your uniqueness and creativity! Stay true to yourself and always know that you're loved.

Love Always,


Sunday, June 6, 2010

Weighing In - Week Fifteen

"I think I can. I think I can. I think I can." I feel like The Little Blue Engine That Could, chugging along, slowly but surely. It's truly amazing how the pounds are just melting off and I'm really not even thinking about it!

On that note- no, I haven't worked out this week. In fact, my poor elliptical has been gathering dust since I've become so busy getting ready for another birthday party, a fifth grade graduation and the end of the school year in general for the other kids. I'm hoping to reconnect with my friend, the elliptical, in the next few days but I make no promises.

This week I moved from the classroom (phase 1) to the salon floor (phase 2) at school. Instead of sitting at a desk, learning cosmetology theory, for most of my day, I'm on my feet for nearly nine hours straight. Thank goodness I've lost a significant amount of weight or my feet and back would be killing me right now! I foresee continued weight loss due to the amount of moving around (hair cutting and coloring is really a full body activity!) I'll be doing for the next seven months.

And of course, the heat has finally come to town and so I've been drinking water like there's no tomorrow. Water... it's such a life saver to the dieter! And Oh! How I love summertime. It's shorts and tank top season which in itself is motivation to hit the gym! Definitely my goal for this week - work on the arms. I could use some more definition and a little less padding in the upper arm areas.

I should mention, I hit a couple of major milestones this week besides graduating out of the classroom! When I started this blog back in February, I was wearing a size 16 pant. What got me truly motivated back then (beside my doctor's scoldings) was that those pants were getting uncomfortably too tight. On Friday, I did something I rarely do. I bought myself new clothes. Ask anyone, I hate shopping. I especially hate shopping for myself. In fact, I was only going to go to the store to buy a belt since my regular school pants were in the wash and I had to resort to wearing my size 16 slacks to school, which were on the verge of falling off all morning. I was literally able to pull them off and on without unbuttoning or unzipping them. Upon arriving at the store, I had a moment of genius. I decided that since I NEVER want to wear a size 16 again I would buy a new pair of pants instead of a belt. I'm thrilled to say that I am a very comfortable size 12! Believe me, I did a little happy dance when those suckers slid on without hopping around or sucking in to zip them up! But not only am I two sizes smaller in pants, I did something last Monday that I haven't done in over four years. I bought a swim suit! This is a MAJOR accomplishment for me. It's like I'm a whole new woman! I'm no longer buying XXL or shopping in the plus size sections anymore! I'm able to wear the L size in the regular departments! I have made a goal that I would like to be down to a size 10 by my birthday in August. I'm not sure I'll be able to make it but I believe that it is achievable and that is half the battle. Fingers crossed!

As for my diet, believe it or not, I stopped counting calories awhile ago. I really couldn't tell you what my intake is at this point. All I know is that nearly all the foods I eat are healthy and good for me in one way or another. I no longer have a problem passing up the bagels and doughnuts that are so often brought into school and if I do splurge it's in real moderation. I'm telling you, it's been a serious lifestyle change and one that I don't even really notice that much anymore!

I just started using these "fake meat" alternatives to cook some "regular" or non-diet meals. They're all soy protein products that naturally have less fat and low calorie counts. So far, my favorites are the "Meatless Grounds" (like ground beef) and "Morning Star Farms Soy Protein Grillers" (like hamburgers.) The Safeway by my home doesn't offer much of a selection of meat alternatives, so I'm going to go investigating today (while the kids are at a birthday party) and see how the other local grocery stores compare in price and selection.

I must mention that trying to eat "real foods" again such as tacos and burgers (the vegetarian way) has been a shock on my system. I've been eating light foods, such as soups and salads, for so long that a whole veggie burger is too much for me and I get that uncomfortably full feeling half way through. This being the case, I don't think I'll be eating these heavier meals very often. Maybe once a week.

Well, another week, another couple pounds lost. It's off to get some cleaning done around the house so I can spend some time at the pool this afternoon. Thanks to all my wonderful friends, family and fans who have been supportive since day one. You're the best. Here's to wishing all of you a happy and wonderfully sunny week!

Weekly weight loss: 2 pounds
Total weight loss: 28 pounds