It is day two in my quest to locate the elusive mythical creature called 'AT&T Repair Tech.' I'm honestly doubting all previous tales of this being's existence. I think I'm more likely to spot Nessie swimming in my bathtub but never the less I push on. Hope springs eternal and all that.
I'm currently lying in wait, hunkered down quietly in my humble abode trying to find ways to pass the time. It is amazing the revelations one can make when they are stuck at home without their three children running amok to keep them busy. Did you know it is humanly possible to splatter coffee six feet up a kitchen wall? Well, it is. I found proof just earlier today when I went to take out the garbage. I'm not sure when that happened but said proof has since been removed from white wall. What truly boggles the mind is how I'm the only one who drinks coffee in this house and I'm only five feet tall... Hmm. And also, have I mentioned that a home without children present stays neat and tidy for more than twenty minutes! And even better, I haven't had to remind a single soul to put the seat down or stop wrestling in the living room. All in all, my apartment is eerily quiet. If only I could here the pitter-patter of repairman feet on my front step... Well now, what I really meant to write about is this:
I love forced productivity. I'm not talking about the kind where someone is standing over you nagging you to clean your room or else... No, I'm referring to the kind that only happens when you can find absolutely nothing else to do but BE productive. For example, the Wednesday morning dishes that usually reside in the kitchen sink until I return home from school that evening are currently loaded into the dishwasher. And said dishwasher has already been run. Unbelievable, I know. I'm slightly startled by this every time I enter my kitchen.
Oh! And another gem of productivity I tackled thus far: mopping. As many of you may already know, I detest mopping my kitchen floor. I find it disgusting, pushing a dirty mop full of once clean but now thoroughly dirty water across the floor where it will undoubtedly pool beneath the baseboards. Yuck, yuck and yuck! Well, it turns out, when you have nothing but time on your hands and all the slightly more pleasant tasks that need doing require leaving your home (which is an absolute no-no since that is exactly the time the repairman will decide to show up) your kitchen floor gets scrubbed... by hand. Yes, she said by hand. And did you know that Cascade dishwasher detergent makes a wonderful floor cleaning agent? I didn't but as it turns out, my delightful children used all the Spic and Span (for lord knows what) and since I cannot leave my home for reasons previously mentioned, I was forced to be creative. My kitchen floor is quite literally clean enough to eat off of! Well, at least, in theory. But please, don't tell my children that, since I'm sure one or two would be inclined to test such a theory out but back to the story at hand...
Once the laundry was folded and put away, the apartment vacuumed, the kitchen mopped, dishes done and still no sign of the repairman, I was in need of other time consuming tasks. As they say, when the cat's away the mice will play... well, in this case it was vice-verse. This cat decided to play with the mouse's new keyboard. Did you know that playing piano is much like riding a bike? It's all about good form and once you know how, you never forget. (Thanks Dad, those lessons way back when are still paying off!) After an hour of awkward practice and a few dozen horribly wrong notes (sorry neighbors) I'm able to play Fur Elise like a pro! OK, more like a fifth grade, third year piano student but hey, it's still music. Sort of. And not only have Beethoven and I bonded but I whipped out a mean Mozart Rondo, a melodious Moonlight Sonata, and just for kicks and giggles, I unearthed the sheet music for the Beverly Hills Cop theme song! My son will be so thrilled! Now I say 'unearthed' because literally my front bedroom remains a hard-hat required disaster zone. I will take desperation beyond what I've encountered today, to motivate myself to tackle unpacking all those boxes and sorting through all those toys. Of course, the day is young... and as of yet (3pm) still no repairman so who knows, the desperation my come yet.
Now a few of you may be wondering, "Why isn't she exercising? This is a perfect opportunity to burn some calories!" To this I say, Ah... no. My luck would be that at the exact moment I'm midway through my workout, and I've worked myself up to a startling shade of red that implies need of emergency medical assistance, would be the exact moment my wayward repairman would arrive. So, no thank you. I'll have to wait for another perfect opportunity that doesn't mix copious amounts of sweat with strange people in my home.
Well now, I've killed about half an hour rambling here. And no, the tech has still not arrived, so I'm off in search of more ways to entertain myself. I wonder if Addie will mind if I organize her My Little Ponies magnets.... Hmmm. Well, tah-tah for now. Stay tuned for more Adventures in Waiting! Maybe I'll have photographic proof to sell to the tabloids if this so-called 'AT&T Tech Repairman' ever decides to show up!