It's official! I've passed the 30 pound milestone! It was just on February 21st of this year (seventeen weeks ago) that I started this blog and was weighing in at 193 pounds. Although I've still got about 38 more pounds overall to go, I'm just 3.5 lbs away from the half way point of my total goal and already I feel like a new person! Almost daily, somebody will comment on how much weight I've lost and each time it happens, I swear I stand just that much straighter and smile that much brighter. It's a wonderful feeling.
Now, I won't lie. I haven't been working out as much as I should. I'm not sure if it's just the stress of this particular time of year, the overwhelming exhaustion of working in the salon 30 hours a week or plain old me being lazy but at the end of the day (even the beginning of it, if we're honest) I'm just too tired and unable to motivate myself to workout. From about Mother's Day through the end of July, every year without fail, my life is overloaded with various events. I feel like I'm always rushing from one thing to the next without a moment of downtime. Life slows down considerably once summer is over and the kids are back in school so I'm expecting to get back into my regular workout schedule once that happens. Of course, the working 10 hour days in the salon won't change so I may continue to run into the problem of coming home each night barely able to stand let alone be coordinated enough to kick-box without causing myself serious injury. Fingers-crossed that as time goes by I'll get accustomed to the grueling go-go-go of working three to four clients a day. Time will tell.
And since I'm confessing, I should also mention that these past few weeks of birthday parties, holidays, and various end-of-school-year-events have been wreaking havoc on my healthy eating choices. As some of you may know, I had a day this week when I succumbed to the awesome deliciousness (and totally unhealthy goodness) of Panda Express. Not only did I consume enough sodium to mummify myself from the inside I out, but I ate chow mien, white rice, and orange chicken. All of which are on my naughty list of foods. But most surprising, for the person who had given up meat on Mother's Day, eating chicken was a huge no-no. And while I felt rather ill and insanely guilty that night (my stomach wasn't used to such heavy foods), I've since forgiven myself. I think my body needed a good binge but I'm back on track again. All things considered, I'm doing pretty good about not overdoing the naughty foods. At one point this week, I had three different cakes in my fridge (two birthday, one graduation) and I'm happy to say, two of the three are still there. That's not to say that I haven't eaten any of the cake myself... I have. It sounds gross but after a long day of scrubbing peoples feet and cutting hair, I really enjoy a small slice of cake and a big glass of V8. Hey, I'm balancing out the good and the bad with that snack! Oh well, I look forward to the end of birthday season in my family so these temptations won't be calling my name every time I open my fridge.
Overall, it's been a good week for my weight loss journey. I can't complain with results like this. And although I would like to proclaim that I'll be working out daily, I won't make any promises. I'm taking each day as it comes... baby steps. Now it's off to clean some house and then take the kids up to the Merry-go-Round and Steam Trains. Happy Father's Day to all you Dads and Moms-Who-Also-Play-Dad. Have a wonderful day! Have a wonderful week! See you next time!
Weekly Weight Loss: 2.8 pounds
Overall Weight Loss: 30.6 pounds
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