I can't control all that happens to me, I can only control what I put into myself as a result of such happenings.
This past week has been a lesson in control. Control of temper. Control of emotion. Control of self doubt. Control of schedule. And ultimately, control of my diet. I found myself tested and tested and just for good measure, tested again... and it appears, I still remain in control, if of nothing else, then the most difficult self discipline I've been developing lately- my eating.
This was my first full week out on the school's salon floor. For those not in cosmetology school, this translates to my first week of working entirely on the public and not on a mannequin head. Believe me, real people are way different than doll heads. There is an indescribable nervousness that goes with taking peoples hand, feet and heads literally into your own hands and altering them. Whether it be as simple as nail polish change or as complex as a hair color retouch with highlights and then a cut, you've been given an enormous responsibility that is both an honor and a test of self confidence. The best example of the level of stress that goes along with this vocation is that after my first full day on the floor, I came home with four new pimples. Just like that, BAM, four little stress friends on my forehead. For the most part, I was pleased with the results I had created on my clients but I definitely need more practice if I'm going to successfully control the little panic attack that accompanies each new client.
In addition to feeling a wee bit overwhelmed at school (Ha! Understatement), I was having some gigantic problems with the kids' daycare situation. The short and not-so-sweet of it all was that I was suddenly NOT going to have any daycare which meant that I was going to have to take a leave from school. Needless to say, after investing close to 450 hours in my schooling, and just getting to the good stuff (the actual clients) I was not remotely happy with the thought of falling behind and extending my schooling well into next summer. In this, the control of my temper was tried and although I was able to get the results I desired, no, scratch that, the results that were absolutely necessary for my continued happiness and schooling, I am not all that happy with the way I had to go about getting them. I truly hate having to pull the raging 'b*tch' card and strong arming people but sometimes it's the only way to get other people to truly follow through. Unfortunately, I spent most of the week a total emotional wreck, trying to arrange then rearrange the finely tuned schedule of my life in the thought that I would have to accommodate three kids without daycare for the summer. There wasn't any way to fix it, something (my schooling) was going to have to go. I literally was on my way to the school director's office to apply for a leave of absence when the call came in stating that the child care situation was going to be rectified. You can't imagine how much of a relief that was.
And finally, this week was my oldest child's birthday. There was up early baking, and up late gift shopping, throwing my sleep pattern all out of whack. A sleep deprived Mommy makes for a slightly unstable individual all on it's own. Not only was I grumpy and off kilter for most the week, but then there was the stress of planning a party, finding 'cool' gifts for the kid who has almost everything and then funding the whole thing when funds are particularly tight this year. As many know, when there are three kids, there is NEVER enough of the green stuff. It get's a bit trickier when you've taken the year to go back to school and you're only working part-time. It makes occasions like birthdays, that much more stressful. All I can say is that I found the perfect birthday gift and I'm glad that stress is over. Of course, I have one more birthday party to plan... in about, Oh, three weeks. So I'm sure I'll be a nut case again real soon. Oh well, that's the breaks when you've got kids.
So, the point of this blog today is this- There are times when life is going to become almost unbearable... and if you only gain 0.2 pounds that week, then I think you're doing pretty darn good. I should know - I've just been there, done that. Here's hoping that next week runs smoother, that I get a chance to do some sweating on the elliptical, and of course that I am able to continue my self control when it comes to emotional eating and food in general. Thank you to everyone who cheered me up and made me laugh when I wanted to cry, this week. You guys are awesome! Thanks to everyone who has been following and encouraging me on this bumpy weight-loss ride, thus far. I look forward to continuing this journey with all of you! Until next time, have a wonderful and hopefully stress-free week!
Total Weekly Weight loss: 0.2 pounds gained
Total Overall Weight loss: 27.8 pounds
your doing great with it.. Minor set backs are nothing. Heck muscle weights more then fat so look at it that way... I gave up on my weigth loss for the time being stress has taken to much of a toll on me lately....