It turns out there is truth to the saying, 'There is a silver lining to every rain cloud." Since I was stuck at home for most of the week (waiting for the elusive repairman) I did finally get to some LONG overdo house cleaning. Again, another unplanned workout. When it's 80 degrees outside, these tiny little apartments tend to heat up regardless of how many fans you've got going. I was seriously dripping buckets of sweat while scrubbing my kitchen floor on my hands and knees! I can't complain, those two pounds pay off nicely despite the aggravation it took to get me there.
This week also marked the end of a a very long and stressful chapter in my life. Thursday afternoon, one door closed and another opened. A process, I had been working on for over three years. And while it is always sad when one must cut their losses and move on, it was way past time. I am now happily divorced. Don't get me wrong, it was not like my ex and I hated one another or were one of those couples you see on Jerry Springer or Divorce Court. In fact, we were the only two people in the courthouse laughing and joking through the whole process Thursday afternoon. But we've both come the realization that we make better friends than spouses and it's such a relief to know that we can now move on with our lives. It's been funny, people don't know whether to congratulate or console us. Let it be known that we couldn't be happier with this outcome regardless of the fact that in the eyes of many others it appears that we failed miserably in our marriage. All I can say is, come on, it wasn't a total wash, we have three of the most beautiful amazing children as proof. But enough of that... in short, a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I feel like a new woman.
Now, with this emotional roller coaster of a week, I was bound to have a few diet hiccups. Which I did. But for the most part, I wasn't so bad. After another no show by the repairman on Wednesday, I did want to dive into the carton of Rocky Road ice cream and not come up for air till I hit bottom, but I didn't. Instead I vented, ate three cups of 10 calorie Jel-lo and then went to bed. On Thursday, in celebratory fashion I allowed myself, not one, not two but three glasses of wine and even ate some of the Rice-A-Roni I'd made for the kids. I did stick to a veggie burger instead of the lamb chops I'd grilled for the kiddos. And on Friday, after the repairman finally came and then left and we were over-joyed to be back online, so I treated the kids to Happy Meals from McDonald's. I, myself, ordered a medium fry but wasn't able to finish it. About halfway through I got the "B.G.'s" (bubble guts) and decided not to push my luck. I don't think my body liked all that grease and salt. But I'll admit it, boy did they taste good. Other than that, I've really been trying to stay true to my healthier eating. I have been drinking lots of water since it's warmed up considerably around here. And I've tried to stay active as much as possible considering I wasn't at school most the week so I wasn't rushing around the salon floor burning calories like a mad woman.
All in all... it's been another good week. So, thanks again to all my supporters and thanks for all the wonderful compliments! I'm still hoping to hit a size 10 by mid August and I think I just might since my 12's are getting quite baggy. I'll keep you all posted. Until next time, I wish everyone a wonderful week!
Total Weekly Weight-loss: 1.8 pounds
Total Overall Weight-loss: 32.4 pounds