I overeat because I'm surrounded by the color red. LOL, ROFL, LMAO and every other acronym you can think of pertaining to laughing! I'm sorry but that sounds so lame. The sad part, it might actually be true! So much for my new red table linens, sofa cover, and throw pillows.
I've come to recognize that the key to real weight loss is more than just eating foods labeled "low fat" or "low calorie." And it's more than going for walks around the reservoir. To do this right, I'm going to have to get down to the root of the problem and make some lifestyle changes.
To make better diet choices, I needed to do some research. Now, those who know me, know that if I want to learn something, I read about it. I love reading. (Part of the reason why I am so sedentary, but more on that excuse later.) So that's what I've been doing. I've been researching why, as I got older, I began making such poor diet choices. I've also been looking for ways to reprogram myself away from these bad habits. This is the first of five "excuses" I've been using sometimes consciously; sometimes not. How about you?
Color me hungry. What color is a can of Coca Cola? What color is a box of MacDonald's french fries? What is the color you see in your mind when you think of the restaurant 'Panda Express?' Red. Red. Red. It's not a coincidence, it's a conspiracy! These companies are using color against us. Red (and orange too, since it's a form of red) is known as a stimulating color. It grabs your attention, increases your heart rate, and is often associated with energy (see Coke can). When you walk into Safeway, with it's bright red logo, your subconscious is thinking "buy more". As you walk down the snack isle seeing red Cheez-it boxes and Orville Redenbacher Popcorn boxes your brain is telling your stomach, "eat more". Do you still wonder why you go into the store with a hand basket and end up leaving with a push cart? The next time you drive through your town or go to the store, take a look at how many food related businesses (that includes gas station mini-marts) utilize red in their decor or advertising. As for my red toile table cloth and garnet suede sofa cover... I'm keeping them... come on, red is still my favorite color even if it's not good for my diet.
What people can do to counter act this overabundance of red: avoid convenience stores and restaurants. Purchasing your produce at a farmers market instead of the supermarket cuts down on the temptations presented through creative packaging. Also, if possible, purchase your poultry, meats, fish, cheese, coffee and breads at shops specializing in just those items. Again, you're bypassing the excess packaging and mega-chain marketing. In your home, decorate your most used rooms (places you tend to snack) in colors that are calming and supress appetite such as blues, greens and earth tones. And of course, always eat a filling but healthy snack before going anywhere that sells food. Especially the mall where a Cinnabon will undoubtedly try to lure you in with their cinnamoney ooey gooey goodness which is pumped out into the mall to make up for the lack of red in their advertising. Actually, that last part, I made up but hey it makes sense doesn't it?
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