This week's goal was to get in some good workout time after about ten days off. I did just that. I started doing 40 minute kickboxing workouts in the evenings and I think it's working!
I continue to make 'wise' food choices each day which is surprisingly something I don't even have to think much about. I've trained myself to seek out the healthiest foods available, so it's almost second nature. When everyone else is eating Chinese take-out or food from the local drive-thru, I'm eating my salads and drinking my water. I've found that the smell of greasy McDonald's is no longer even appealing to me! Which, honestly, this is a huge accomplishment!
On Friday, I gave myself a 'free' day. We had a potluck party in class and instead of avoiding the wonderful goodies everyone had brought in, I balanced my naughty foods with the good-for-me items. My biggest indulgence at the potluck were two servings of homemade Spanish rice. Rice has been big no-no food, so I decided to give it a go. It was crazy good (Thanks Monica)! About 20 minutes after eating the rice and some nachos... and chips and bean dip.... and pasta salad... and chocolate covered strawberries... and crackers with spicy hummus... and some root beer (another big no-no, the carbonated drinks) I think my body went into shock! I literally was feeling intoxicated from the food! That afternoon I even allowed myself a real-sized piece of birthday cake (in honor of my teacher) instead of my usual sliver of cake without the frosting! It was great! That evening, at another party, I allowed myself another indulgence: alcohol. I must say, thank goodness I had been eating all day because after months of eating mostly salads and abstaining from alcohol, I've become a bit of a lightweight!
Once the festivities were over, in other words, once Saturday dawned, I was back on track. I've returned to my normal eating habits and will be kickboxing again this evening. It's crazy to think that just about six months ago, eating right and regularly exercising was like pulling teeth! Now, if I don't live this healthier way, I find myself out of sorts and clawing the walls to burn some calories!
Well, I'm off to go assist with my very first 'real' wedding party up-do's. When I say real, I mean these are not friends or family but honest to goodness clients that my teacher offered to have me come work with her on! I'm extremely excited to have been given this opportunity and can't wait to see what magic we'll be able to weave! So, it's off to work for me, on this absolutely beautiful Sunday morning. As always, big thanks to all my supporters, you guys ROCK!
Until next time, have a wonderful week!
Weekly weight-loss: 1.6 pounds
Overall weight-loss: 26 pounds
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