I have gone back to eating meat but only in limited amounts and not as often as once used to. Of course, as fate would have it, the new "man in my life" grills a mean steak, so I'm really having to watch myself now. He loves to cook and since I'm pretty much burnt out on it, this could lead to a dieting-disaster for me. Somehow, he even got me eating asparagus this week! Of course it was wrapped in prosciutto and pan fried with garlic but asparagus nonetheless! For those who know me, that was right up there on my list of "icky veggies" with Brussels sprouts and cooked spinach! Anyhow, when I'm not being tempted into eating deliciously decadent no-no foods, I'm still eating my "rabbit food" salads as often as possible and of course, I'm loving this fresh fruit and veggie time of year.
I'm still not dropping weight very quickly but I find I'm quite happy with my progress so far. This week I really tried to make sure I was drinking more water since I had slacked off for a bit there. I've been having about 60 to 70 ounces per day which is really good but of course, this means I've become acquainted with most of the public restrooms in a 10 mile radius!
A little hiccup I've had this past week has been stress. I have been stressing out over all sorts of things and it's messing up my sleep cycles and energy levels. I've been told that stress can be a contributing factor for weight gain, so it's really important for me NOT to STRESS. Ha! Easier said than done! It's definitely been an interesting summer with lots of little highs and lows but I recognize that for both my mental and physical health, I need to make a better effort at riding the waves instead of fighting them.
So goals for this week: Continue drinking copious amounts of water. Exercise, exercise, exercise. Oh, and try not to stress over the little stuff.
Thanks to all the fabulously supportive people in my life. You guys are wonderful! I got a little thrill this week having an old friend tell me I looked "damn good." To which I replied, "Thanks, I know!" Ha ha! I guess my sassy old self is coming back. Man, I've really missed me. Well, I'm off to a mini-amusement park with the kids today. The weather is a bit breezy but otherwise beautifully clear. I hope everyone has a wonderful week. See you next time!
Total Weekly Weight-Loss: 1.4 pounds
Total Overall Weight-Loss: 38.2 pounds
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