Slowly but surely, moving in the right direction. This past week was incredibly tough. Too much to do and never enough hours in the day. The results this week are mostly due to good diet, as I was horribly remiss in my workouts each day.
The trick was to limit my calorie intake to reflect the drop in exercise time. I allowed myself only 1200 - 1300 calories per day. I found that having three 250-calorie meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) with four 100-calorie snacks per day allowed me to eat often and well. Instead of purchasing my snacks from the vending machines at school, I would pack a small cooler in the trunk of my car which held pre-measured portions of yogurt, cottage cheese, and string cheese. Also important to help keep me from snacking all day was leaving my desk every chance I could. When you have one class for ten hours a day, the instructors tend to give you mini-5-minute breaks every hour and a half or so. Instead of sitting at my desk gabbing with my neighbors, I chose to walk. I would walk around the class or school if I was raining otherwise I tried to walk outside in the parking lot. This wasn't "brisk" walking by any means but it was better than doing nothing.
I'm hoping that this next week I'll be able to get into a nice routine that better allows me to schedule in workout times. If not, I'll continue with my reduced calorie diet and bits and pieces of walking.
Off the subject but worth mentioning- I've found some really great snacks that work well with my diet and I thought I'd share. This week I often snacked on Orville Redenbacher's Natural Simply Salted - 50% less fat popcorn. YUM! Compared to my kids choice of "Movie Theater Butter" popcorn, this is a much healthier snack. Best of all, there are less than ten ingredients, all of which I know and can pronounce! Secondly I've become a fan of the Skinny Cow Fudge Bars. At only 100 calories per bar, I often make this one of my afternoon snacks when I'm having those "junk" food cravings about 3pm.
Well... 4.4lbs total weight loss is not bad. Here's hoping to see 186lbs next Sunday.
Thanks again to all my supporters.
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