Well, something is better than nothing. Right? So, it's the end of week two in my quest to lose 68 lbs, and although I am having one hell of a time breaking below 190, I still have hope. So far I've lost 2.6 lbs. Not all that spectacular but as I said, something is better than nothing.
I think I need to change my game plan. I had been trying to eat healthier and workout two to three times a day, totaling between 40 and 50 minutes. My thinking was that little 20 minute workouts throughout the day would boost my metabolism overall helping me burn more calories in general. I don't think this is working. Maybe this week I'll try exercising 40-50 minutes at a time, once a day.
This next week is a big week for me. I go back to school, which will mean 10 hour days away from elliptical and my healthy food stocked fridge. I'll have to pack really good lunches and snacks to avoid the lure of drive-thru and prepackaged foods abundant around my school. This will also be a test to my dedication for working out. I'll have to be getting up much earlier every morning if I want to put my 50 minute workouts to the test. We'll see the results next Sunday.
I'm still researching the BodyBugg, how it works and ultimately if it's worth the investment. It's more than half the cost of my elliptical. Ouch! Of course, in my dream world, a 24-hour Fitness rep would read this and offer to send me one to review for free (Hint Hint.) In the meantime I'll just continue to read about it while saving up to buy one myself.
Until next time, thanks for all the continued support. One Less Fat Girl signing out.
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