Moving on down... the scale. It's happening again. I'm moving in the right direction! This past week was a bit rough, as I developed my first nasty cold of the season but in the end, it all worked out okay.
Last Sunday, I took my three kids for a hike in Briones Park. It wasn't a very long or strenuous hike, about two miles round trip, but it was great for getting the kiddos away from the video games and computers for a few hours. It felt good, getting out of the house, getting some fresh air. Lucky for us, the weather was amazing, and stayed, warm and breezy the whole afternoon. Perfect hiking weather!
Then Monday morning I woke up looking, feeling, sounding like death warmed over. I think I partied a bit too hard during the weekend and the powers that be decided I needed to slow down. Since I wasn't going to do it on my own, mother nature decided to do it for me. And wow, did I slow way down. Unfortunately, the horrible congestion and cough stayed with me most of the week. In fact, I still sound pretty bad but at least I no longer have the body aches and chills that plagued me earlier in the week.
Anyhow, despite my less than perfect health, I stuck to my "get the kids outside and moving" campaign and we went to a local park Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I got some great pics of my two younger ones having a blast. On Saturday afternoon we went for another hike. This one a little longer but with great incentives for my four-year-old. We visited three different playgrounds along the way! It really helps keep her moving if she knows there's something special a little further on down the road. And again, we were blessed with beautiful weather.
Now it's Sunday and time to visit somewhere we haven't been in a while. I think we'll go to the nature preserve out at the Martinez Marina. There is a great trail there that is relatively flat and winds around the coastline through the marshland. It's also a great place to see birds, something my eight-year-old really enjoys. And of course, there are a couple of playgrounds for both Addie and Jasper to hit up on our way to and from the parking area.
Well, I'm off to enjoy this beautiful weather while it lasts. Happy 10/10/10 y'all! See ya next week! Thanks again to all my super supporters. You're the best!
Total Weekly Weight-loss: 1.6 lbs
Total Overall Weight-loss: 39.2 lbs
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