There have been so many changes since I last posted that I hardly know where to begin. I've had to reassess my priorities and took a leave of absence from my schooling. This was a painful and difficult decision. I really wanted to succeed but things didn't work out the way I had planned. Isn't that how it always goes? I haven't given up on my dream of becoming a licensed cosmetologist, I've just had to put the dream on hold. I think many single parents out there can relate. It came down to needing to take care of my family and responsibilities which meant more working and no time for schooling. I've come to terms with my decision and hope to return to school in a few years. We'll see. I have to admit, going back to the work force in a more regular capacity has been good for me. I really enjoy working and I've come to re-appreciate the challenges it provides. Sometimes, I think I just get bored with the monotony of things and need a little change. Cosmetology school definitely was a challenge. It also taught me new ways to approach situations and helped me form new friendships. Something you can never have too many of.
Now, as many people will tell you, when doors close others open, well, the same can be said in reverse. This summer I made new friends and connections but I also had to say goodbye to a very special person. Just recently, my grandfather passed away. It wasn't sudden or unexpected but somehow it still came as a blow that knocked me off balance for a bit. I think that when you watch a loved one slip away, the grieving process begins at the very moment you begin to accept it. You could say I've been grieving for weeks when really he just passed a little over a week ago. It was very difficult trying to adopt the 'let go, and let god' mentality that so many people were prescribing for me. And ultimately, I'm not sure I was able to at all but I will say that the wound is healing and that where for a brief moment I felt an emptiness in my life, I'm very quickly filling it with wonderful memories.
You see, my grandfather was an avid outdoors-man. He hiked, camped, fished, and traveled all over the world. In fact, what all he was able to do and achieve in his life, puts me to shame. He was truly a remarkable man. Unfortunately, my children were too young to really know the side of him that I did and so I feel it is my personal dedication to him that I try and encourage his love of the great outdoors in my kids. What this means is that instead of my workouts being limited to just me and my exercise videos and elliptical machine, I'm going to try and spend as much time as possible getting my kids outside hiking and biking and enjoying nature as their great-grandfather had. I'm breaking out the old bird books he gave me over the years and with bitter sweet memories, I'm going to try and teach my kids some of the wonderful things he taught me over the years.
I am going to still try and get down to my goal weight and I'll still have to utilize those god awful kickboxing routines but I feel now is the time to focus on my family and how I'm going to include them on this journey. I hope you'll stay tuned and follow our adventure as you have been. And it will be an adventure, as I'm not nearly as versed in outdoor activities as my grandfather was. In other words, this could be a laugh. I'll keep you all posted. Today, in fact, I'm taking the kids out to a local regional park despite the 30% chance of rain, to do some hiking. There may be some fun tales to be told when we get home.
And finally, on a happy and uplifting note, as so many of my friends and followers have been asking, yes, my "boo" and I are still going strong. I have to laugh. It seems that many of my weight-loss supporters are also cheerleaders for my personal life. You guys are great! It has been the love and support of my friends, family, and fans that has made this difficult time in my life, that much easier to endure. So with heartfelt appreciation, I thank you all. Well, it's that time of day when the kiddos emerge from their lair and I must go feed my hungry little beasts. I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday. See you soon and "Happy Trails" to you all.
Total Weekly Weight-loss: 0 lbs
Total Overall Weight-loss: 37.6 lbs ... and counting!
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